Anti-racist Cumbria
Animated Futures
A safe space to discuss culture and identity while learning new digital skills to produce an animated film.
What’s it like growing up in Cumbria if you aren’t White?
If you’re a young person age 8 – 25 who lives this experience you can explore this question, make friends and create a short animated film which will be shown in cinemas, museums and online across Cumbria and beyond. You’ll pick up new digital and creative skills with animation experts from Plus 3k and Netflix and get to express yourself through music too by working with our award winning composer and producer Ella Jarmin-Pinto.
Join together in a safe space to discuss your own culture and identity, explore and find support for issues you might be facing, make friends and (at the same time) learn new skills. Together you will develop the story concept, learn technical animation and digital skills, create characters and even get involved with the musical score, before helping design the promotion and media launch campaign for the film.
Find practical support and engage in discussion about heritage, excellence and representation. If you can see yourself, you know yourself.
Every Wednesday evening